Teaching my friend a new skill
Teamwork makes the dream work!
Joe trains Arie to wear a hat
Doing barn chores
Reading to Rollin
Checking and cleaning feet
Meeting a new friend
Making up the grain buckets
Mission accomplished
Love grooming
No grain in this bucket
Pure love and respect
Attention to detail
Making a plan to accomplish the goal
Walking the obstacle course
Stretching and fine motor skills
I can do it, Arie!
This obstacle course was a challenge
Best friends
Arie and Rollin Love Kisses
Learning horse care
Learning to feed a cookie
Doing Yoga over Rollin
I love Sammy
Walking the obstacle course
Pure Love!
Hugs for Arie!
Rollin always makes me feel calm.
Arie loves my Yoga group
Arie meeting my Yoga friends!
Poop clean up; a job never done!
Yoga stretches and balance
Learning how to balance in the saddle
Hello Arie, you are so sweet!
Walking Arie
Following Directions
Total Trust!
Let me groom you , Arie.
Goal achieved!
Training Arie to jump.
Building Trust
Leadership Skills
Students planning out team activity
Thumbs Ups! Mission Accomplished
Arie trusting to be brushed
Working on balance and mounting skills
Stretching and learning to halter